
5 Affirmations To Live By

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  • I Am Enough: Often, we see all of the flaws in ourselves instead of seeing our worth. For every negative feeling that you have about yourself, some back with TWO positives.
  • My Past Does Not Control My Future: Never let what occurred in the past affect how you live your life now. We all have overcome hardships and obstacles, but we are not a product of our environment.
  • I Am Already Successful In Life: When you claim success, you make it a tangible item. It is crucial to speak victory into existence so that the only thing left to do is take the necessary steps to achieve your goals.
  • I Will Be Happy No Matter The Circumstances: Do not allow roadblocks or unforeseen mishaps to affect your mood. Yes, it is easier said than done, but when you continue to be happy regardless of a situation, you give off positive energy.
  • I Will Not Let Others Project Their Feelings Upon Me: There will be times when those unhappy with their lives will attempt to bring negativity towards you. The saying “misery loves company” is absolutely accurate. It is your mission to counteract their thoughts and opinions with optimism.

Saying these affirmations daily can help you to feel good from the inside out. When we begin to say what we mean and mean what we say, things begin to transform in our lives.


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