
Forgiveness is for YOU, not for THEM

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My blog is a safe space for owning your truths and accepting your flaws. After saying that, I will admit that I have struggled with forgiving others, including family, friends, and relationships. Whenever someone betrayed me, it was never something I could just “brush off.” In my head, I thought, “How could this person do me this way? I would never do this to them.”

I am a firm believer that being a good person does not require much. You should know the basic dos and don’ts of a relationship. What you would not want someone to do to you, please do not do it to them. Basic principles, right? Well, not for everyone.” You cannot always expect others to be like you. That is only too much like, right!

So, what do you do?

Let it go. Let it go because you have no purpose in holding on to old hurt from someone disloyal to you. If you are still having trouble not forgiving others, here are five reasons why you should.

  1. It is not suitable for your health: Carrying around old burdens can leave you mentally and physically ill. When you allow your mind to be consumed by how someone has wronged you, you cannot eat or sleep, and your overall mood is affected. You begin to have negative thoughts and become filled with negativity. Do not let someone have authority over your well-being.
  2. You’re a good person, take pride in that: If you need any good reason to forgive someone, this is it. Remember that you have upheld your end of the bargain on being a great person, no matter what others have done to you. You deserve to keep smiling and not let someone steal your joy.
  3. Karma is real: No need to harvest your anger. Believe that whatever someone has done to you will come back to them ten-fold. At times, we can get so caught up in how others make us feel that we want them to experience the same hurt. Well, this is your reminder not to stoop to their level. You are better than that. Life has a way of “getting back” at others for you.
  4. They were meant to be removed from your life: Some people only have seasons in your life. After they have served their purpose, it is time for them to go. If God sees you holding on to that person, He will “allow” them to hurt you so that they can no longer hinder you. Once you look at things this way, it will leave room for forgiveness because you will be at peace in knowing that the person no longer belongs in your life.
  5. It is a lesson: You may not want to see things this way, but it is true. You could be wondering, “Why would someone who hurt me have a place in my life, to begin with?” It is simple. It is for you to learn something. If you are too trusting of people, God will show you that you should lean more on Him than on a man.

I want you to take from this blog post: never let someone have control over your life. Make the decision here and every day on out to forgive even when you do not want to. Forgive because your mind deserves to be at rest. Put an end to it here.

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