
How to Properly Move Away From Your Hometown

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Moving away from your hometown can be scary, nerve-racking, and borderline give you anxiety. I remember when I chose to move from Little Rock, AR, to Dallas, TX. I knew I had bigger goals and ambition more than a small town could offer me. I do not regret it three years later, and I’m here to help YOU on your move!

Write Out a Detailed Plan:

You cannot up and decide to move one day, I mean, you could, but that would be setting yourself up for failure. Physically write out a plan- What bill expenses you have now or may acquire after the move, short-term/long-term goals you want to accomplish once you’ve settled, and work on a budget. A plan can help you SO much so that you are not aimlessly wandering about life.

Thoroughly Look for a Place to Live:

Whether you are looking to rent or own an apartment/house, do your RESEARCH!!! From my experience, apartment hunting was extremely hard but necessary. To start, I made a list of potential apartments and the pros and cons of each. I actually had the ability to physically look at apartments before moving and made sure everything was checked off my list, such as a a safe environment, washer and dryer, hardwood floors, convenience to everything else. However, if you do not have that option, please get photos and videos of the unit or home YOU will be staying in, not simply a model.

Have a Savings Account:

I’m not talking about a few hundreds, I’m talking thousands or as much as you can. Realistically, having $3,000-$5,000 in your savings would be a great safety net. You need to plan for any unexpected things, such as car trouble, cost of living increasing, an illness/injury, or storm damages. The goal is for your bank account not to be “hurting” if something suddenly arises.

Find Employment Before You Move:

Thinking that you can simply move out of state without employment is reckless, and I highly do not recommend it. Even if you do have money saved, you could deplete your account pretty quickly while searching for work. Also, do NOT let an employer lowball you. Your price is your price and you deserve to live comfortably. Disclaimer: If you are an entrepreneur, blogger, or influencer moving because of better opportunities, technically, that is your “job,” but just be smart! You may even get the chance to partner with companies who can help you furnish your place or pay for your move.

Find a Village, AKA Your Village:

Because you are moving to another state, likely alone, finding great friends is essential. Not just individuals to turn up with and have a good time. You need people who will be there for you when you are having a tough time, someone who will drop everything to come over to help you with a task, or even a friend who thinks about if you’ve eaten that day. Choose your close-knit circle wisely.

Do It Scared!

If you’re thinking about moving, this is your sign. With the right planning, you can create a new, fun life for yourself. Don’t get caught up being complacent when there is a whole life ahead of you!


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