
Ways To Improve Your Health

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We all know that living on this Earth is not forever, but we need to make the most of it while here. Where should we start? Our health, of course! I know that I get caught up in life without realizing that I have not checked in with myself. Self-exams are important; dental exams are important; therapy sessions are important; routine doctors appointments are important; anything that has to do with your overall health is vital.

One way that we can improve our health is through exercise. I will be the first to admit that this one is a STRUGGLE! I do not like exercise, and I am pretty sure exercise does not like me! But it is needed. Some benefits of exercise are bone and muscle health, weight control, energy boost, and reduces the risk of heart disease. If you are still in the beginning stages like me, try power walking around a park or cycling for 30 minutes 4 times a week.

Not only is your physical health is as well.

Speaking to a therapist is something every person should experience; we need to normalize it. Growing up in the Black community, we were taught to handle our issues at home and not “let your business leave the house.” I am SO glad that the mindset has changed. We all battle things that require addressing. Hop on Google, check with your insurance, and find the therapist for you! Talking with someone on the outside looking in can help you in ways you would not believe.

Now that we have covered the body and the mind, let’s get to what goes into the body.

Some of our favorite foods are unhealthy for us. In no way am I telling you to drop everything to become vegan (no offense to those who are), but change a few things. When I learned to let go of certain foods (beef and pork), incorporated more veggies, lessened the fried foods, and drink plenty of water, I noticed a difference. Instead of grabbing that bag of chips, get the fruit instead. Or, before slapping some jelly on a piece of toast a side with some crispy bacon, you know what you can do? Try avocado on toast along with some turkey bacon instead. When I try to slip and eat something unhealthy, I begin to feel sluggish, and I pay for it.

Personally, this next one is my favorite…..SLEEP!

I like to think of myself as a robot, but this girl needs her sleep in reality. Between being a mom of two, working full time, going to school, and being a blogger, I often wonder how to think straight. We need adequate sleep to improve your memory, increase productivity, and reduces illnesses and stress. If you can get at least 7-8 hours of sleep regularly, you will notice the difference!

I cannot stress enough how serious it is to maintain good health. My mom is had several different surgeries and takes a handful of medications daily, only because of her lifestyle. I know her behaviors are due to her upbringing, but I wish to make a change; in no way am I bashing her. I strive to practice great healthy habits in hopes that it will trickle down to my children. Everyone deserves a healthy, happy life!

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