
  • Lifestyle

    The Journey to My Degree

    This past Sunday, I graduated with my B.A. in Journalism and Mass Communication, and it left me on a natural high. Obtaining my degree was something that I have wanted for quite some time, and when I finally got it, it felt surreal. The journey to completing my schooling years was a long, strenuous process, but here I am today. Why was the journey so difficult? Let’s make a quick trip down memory lane. When I graduated high school in 2012, I was confused about where I wanted to be career-wise. And, although I was accepted into a four-year college in my hometown state Arkansas, I was not ready to…

  • Lifestyle

    I am 1-in-4

    There are very few things that cause me to feel as though my world is crashing down…my miscarriage was one of them. The way my heart shattered as I heard the words that my baby no longer had a heartbeat. It’s a feeling that I wouldn’t wish on anyone. So many things swirled through my mind. “Why would God allow something so devastating to happen? Why me? Is my body not good enough? What could I have done differently?” My oldest son, Korbin, was born at 27 weeks. So to know that I now had to experience a miscarriage crushed me. I started to question if I was even fit…

  • Lifestyle

    It’s Time to Let The Imposter Syndrome Go!

    As a blogger/creator, imposter syndrome can be real! For those who do not know what this “characteristic” is, let me enlighten you. Imposter syndrome is the feeling of self-doubt. You are not confident in your abilities and do not feel that you deserve recognition for your work. Whether you knew the definition or not, we have all been there. As an over-achiever, I cannot tell you how many times I have doubted my content.  But! It is time to switch up the mindset. Here are four affirmations to get rid of imposter syndrome. I am only as great as I think I am: If you begin to believe that you…

  • Lifestyle

    You Aren’t For Everybody and Everybody Isn’t For You

    Are you a people-pleaser? I have never been one to care too much if someone like me. Not to toot my own horn, but I know that I am a great person and that I will attract the right people in my life. But what about the people who strive to make others happy and obsess over having a multitude of people in their lives. Those are the people I am talking to today. If I described you, pull up a seat, and let’s have a chat! Why is it that you aim to have everyone like you? Most often, it starts from your childhood. You wanted to seek approval…

  • Lifestyle

    I’m Gone Praise God!

    This blog post’s title may not be grammatically correct, but I need you to understand exactly where I am coming from! My p with God has grown so much. Honestly, I have surprised myself. Do not get me wrong, I have always had a relationship with Him, but now I am more intentional with reading the bible, talking to Him, and praying consistently. I know everyone has different walks of faith and levels of spirituality, but I want to share why I choose to praise God and my experiences in my walk of faith. I hope there is something to learn… He never steers me wrong: Look! I know sometimes…

  • Lifestyle

    Effective Grocery Shopping

    Ever feel overwhelmed with grocery shopping? Yea, me too. But, I’ve learned a few things over time, so I’m here to help. Shopping can be easy if you plan, plan, plan. Ready to get to it? Let’s go! Write out your meals for the week: Going through the week without a strategy is an epic fail. If you need some recipe ideas, check out Google or Pinterest (warning, you may begin to feel like a chef). There are some amazing resources that can cater to your appetite. Some ideas could be meatless Mondays, taco Tuesday, wing Wednesday, and so on and so on. The goal is to make it fun!…