
  • Lifestyle

    New year, Improved Me!

    As 2021 approaches, I have reflected a lot on what this year meant in my life. I learned so much and grew as a person. I can honestly say I am proud of myself! But, I have a few things I’m leaving behind and a few that I’m adding for improvements. Letting Go Anxiety- I tend to get anxious over the smallest things, and I am a natural-born worrier. I’m learning not to stress over what I cannot control. Procrastination- I’ve struggled with being a procrastinator since the beginning of time. It’s time for that to end. I’ve realized that I’m only holding myself back because of this bad habit.…

  • Lifestyle

    Check In With Yourself

    I can admit that sharing my thoughts and feelings is one of the hardest things I struggle with in life. Things make perfect sense in my head, but they’re jumbled when I try to form the words. I wrestle a lot with anxiety, feeling overwhelmed, and stress. Me being an overachiever and wanting to be perfect is the root of many of my problems. Currently, as I type this post, I’m experiencing anxiety because sharing these things is new to me. My main point in sharing today is to let anyone who is reading know, it’s okay not to be okay sometimes. It’s also okay to find ways in which…

  • Lifestyle

    Election Day: Why You Need To Vote

    I’ve had the pleasure of voting three times now, and I’ve never been more proud to have these experiences. If you THINK “my vote doesn’t matter,” then you are part of the problem. If you THINK “neither candidate is a great choice,” then you are missing the point. In today’s times, with minorities suffering many injustices, this 2020 election is crucial! Here’s why as an African American, you need to vote: African Americans before us have fought extremely hard to obtain the right to vote. They led marches, suffered through racism, and jumped through hoops just to be allowed to get their hands on a ballot. Black people were threatened…

  • Lifestyle

    Staying Cute and Comfy In Adidas Wear

    As a blogger, my time is usually stretched pretty thin with creating content, engaging with my audience, and brainstorming ways to take my creativity to another level. Most days consist of dressing up for the camera, but for the days I’m working hard behind the camera or lounging around, I like to stay comfortable! With the holidays approaching, I want everyone to be as comfortable as me, so I’m getting a head start on some shopping for family and friends. Adidas makes it easy to piece together geo mesh tights with a cute tank for your best friend. Or, lightweight joggers and a soft hoody for your teenage niece. They…

  • Lifestyle

    My Favorite Restaurants & Why

    I love to eat out from time to time because, let’s face it, I cannot live in the kitchen when there are so many other things on my daily to- do. Plus, sometimes I am so overwhelmed with work, I feel like I deserve a “treat” at the end of a long day. Grab your pen and paper to jot down some of my favs! Chick-fil-A– Not only will you receive superb service (I can hear “my pleasure” in my head now!), the chicken is fantastic. There has never been a time when I have eaten there and was not satisfied. They cook with love and you can tell the…

  • Lifestyle

    Ways To Improve Your Health

    We all know that living on this Earth is not forever, but we need to make the most of it while here. Where should we start? Our health, of course! I know that I get caught up in life without realizing that I have not checked in with myself. Self-exams are important; dental exams are important; therapy sessions are important; routine doctors appointments are important; anything that has to do with your overall health is vital. One way that we can improve our health is through exercise. I will be the first to admit that this one is a STRUGGLE! I do not like exercise, and I am pretty sure…