
  • Lifestyle

    The Dos and Don’ts on a First Date

    We all know dating can be scary, time-consuming, and plain ole repetitive. Half of the time, you are unsure of how to dress, the way to style your hair or the right perfume to wear. Oh yeah, what should conversation consist of? Well, I am here to offer a little advice to ease the experience. Never Give Off Too Much Information: I am all for being open and honest, but your date does not need to know that your last boyfriend broke up with you because you were too clingy. If you go on more dates with the guy, you can begin to describe some of your traits as a…

  • Lifestyle

    What I Learned While Traveling in a Pandemic

    The new decade’s start has been a year of unforeseen times, and we still have three months left (I have stopped saying it cannot get worse). Everyone has either canceled or rearrange all traveling trips for the year due to COVID-19, so imagine how I was a bit skeptical when presented the opportunity to go to Miami, Florida. Two weeks ago, one of my best friend’s called me up inviting me to go. Of course, I could not pass on the chance, mostly since I had not seen her physically in six years (amen for social media and FaceTime). Also, we all have been on lockdown for six-plus months; I…

  • Lifestyle

    5 Affirmations To Live By

    I Am Enough: Often, we see all of the flaws in ourselves instead of seeing our worth. For every negative feeling that you have about yourself, some back with TWO positives. My Past Does Not Control My Future: Never let what occurred in the past affect how you live your life now. We all have overcome hardships and obstacles, but we are not a product of our environment. I Am Already Successful In Life: When you claim success, you make it a tangible item. It is crucial to speak victory into existence so that the only thing left to do is take the necessary steps to achieve your goals. I…

  • Lifestyle

    Girl, REST. You Need It!

    I may be the biggest advocate there is on self-care. As women, we often are stuck in “go-mode,” taking care of everything and everyone else. Cooking, cleaning, running errands, taking care of the kids, and the list goes on. We run ourselves to the ground trying to make everything happen. Who Takes Care Of You? Here are some ways that you can have some self-care without breaking the bank. Mini Spa Day: Who loves a good spa day but does not like to dish out the coins? I think everyone can agree. So what is an alternative? Spa day at home! Amazon has an inexpensive foot spa massager to give…

  • Lifestyle

    Returning to Normalcy: SEA Life Experience

    Raise your hands if you knew COVID-19 was going to stick around this long? (I’m trusting that you’re honest) Well truthfully, my answer is heck no!I figured this virus would come and go, like everything else that we face in this would. Six months down the road, guess what?… I finally had to realize that we cannot hide at home forever. We have to begin returning to some form of normalcy. My son, Korbin’s birthday was one of those things. About two months ago, I began tossing ideas around on what I would like to do for his big fifth birthday. I was not quite set on any particular…

  • Lifestyle

    My Faith is Everywhere

    Growing up, you quickly learn never to discuss money, politics, and religion, amongst others. Well, guess what? Religion is the topic of discussion today. I believe in talking about the things that make us uncomfortable because if we never do, we are not leaving room for growth and connections with others. Everyone has different walks of faith, so, whoever you choose to believe in, incorporate them into this blog. I consider myself to be a Christian, God is who I answer to, and without Him, I am nothing. There have been times when I did not know how to overcome certain obstacles, but every time, He brought me through them.…