
Check In With Yourself

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I can admit that sharing my thoughts and feelings is one of the hardest things I struggle with in life. Things make perfect sense in my head, but they’re jumbled when I try to form the words. I wrestle a lot with anxiety, feeling overwhelmed, and stress. Me being an overachiever and wanting to be perfect is the root of many of my problems. Currently, as I type this post, I’m experiencing anxiety because sharing these things is new to me.

My main point in sharing today is to let anyone who is reading know, it’s okay not to be okay sometimes. It’s also okay to find ways in which you can cope with everyday life struggles.

Let me share what helps me:

Talking to God.

Without Him, I am nothing. I find so much comfort and peace when I connect with Him. Although He already knows all of my worries, I still choose to talk to Him because He is my confidant. Many times I ask to be granted peace and mental clarity. I get a sense of relief, knowing that He will take care of me in any situation.

Write it Out

I have a passion for writing, so putting my thoughts on paper truly helps. Sometimes you may not want to talk with someone or are not sure how; that is when writing comes into play. Physically being able to see what you are thinking is an eye-opener. It allows you to reevaluate your life, find what you are missing, see your wants/needs; it’s just a great way to help yourself regroup.

Listen to music.

I am a music lover, so much that I have a treble clef tattoo. There is literally a song for every mood that you’re feeling. I’ve realized that when I listen to upbeat music, I begin to feel better about myself. I move around more and start getting motivated. Two of my favorite song right now are “New Apartment x Ari Lennox and “Speak
x Jhene Aiko.

Cry Now So You Can Laugh Later.

Every felt the need to have a good crying session? Me either, but it happens naturally. Crying can be looked upon as weak, but it is a part of life. We spend so much time trying to play the “tough guy” act that we often bottle our emotions until we explode. Crying helps to release any negative feelings so that you can make room for positive moments. I encourage you to try it.

Take a Walk.

A change of scenery is known to help reduce stress and improve your overall health—fresh air and sunlight help in more ways than you know. You start to feel better and think more clearly. I like to find a bridge or a trail to walk on and really try to connect with myself. When you eliminate noise and distractions, you can indeed face your problems.

I honestly hope that I have helped somehow. We are all battling things that we do not tell others, which results in isolation. Become okay with expressing yourself and finding healthy ways to resolve your issues. And if you can’t do it alone, that’s okay. Find a therapist in your area who can help. We only get one life; make it your best.


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