
I’m Gone Praise God!

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This blog post’s title may not be grammatically correct, but I need you to understand exactly where I am coming from! My p with God has grown so much. Honestly, I have surprised myself. Do not get me wrong, I have always had a relationship with Him, but now I am more intentional with reading the bible, talking to Him, and praying consistently. I know everyone has different walks of faith and levels of spirituality, but I want to share why I choose to praise God and my experiences in my walk of faith.

I hope there is something to learn…

He never steers me wrong: Look! I know sometimes we complain and pout because something does not go our way. I cannot tell you how many times I was left looking dumbfounded like, “God, you really are not going to give me what I asked for?” I do not even realize in the moments that He is protecting me from hurt, disappointment, or even stress. And, when my “fit” has passed, and He reveals to me why He did not say yes, I understand that He only has my best interest at heart. I may not have the “why” initially, but I always have newfound gratitude after discovery.

God is truly amazing…

He sees me through every struggle: Y’all…I have had some real deal struggles in life! From finances, education, parenting, relationships, insecurities, you name it, I have dealt with it. But, each time, God was there. At times, I would say to myself, “How am I going to make it out of this situation?” and God would remind me that He is a way maker, all I need to do is trust Him. It even makes me emotional to type this because I have experienced some dark moments, and God was there to pull me through. Even at the times when I am at my lowest, He has His arms wrapped around me. I know the only reason I am where I am today is because of God.

Where would I be without Him?

He rewards a good servant: Now, I know sometimes it can be challenging to do the right thing in a world full of wrongdoings. You ever see someone who seems to have EVERYTHING in life, and you are just like, “but they are not even living right!” I have been there and felt that! But, just remember that everything that glitters is not gold! Keep having patient that your time will come. God wants to make sure that we trust Him and believe that He will do what He says He will do. I cannot tell you how many times I was more thankful for what He did for me after letting go and putting my faith in Him.

This blog post is special to me because my walk of faith has not been easy. Sharing my experience and thought makes me feel good because I know someone has been in my shoes or is currently. When I started leaving everything up to God, it has created things I did not know were possible. I encourage all of you to get some God in your life!


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