
It’s Time to Let The Imposter Syndrome Go!

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As a blogger/creator, imposter syndrome can be real! For those who do not know what this “characteristic” is, let me enlighten you. Imposter syndrome is the feeling of self-doubt. You are not confident in your abilities and do not feel that you deserve recognition for your work. Whether you knew the definition or not, we have all been there. As an over-achiever, I cannot tell you how many times I have doubted my content. 

But! It is time to switch up the mindset. Here are four affirmations to get rid of imposter syndrome.

  1. I am only as great as I think I am: If you begin to believe that you cannot do something, then guess what? It will not happen. Change the way that you think and speak positive thoughts. You are great. You are worthy. You can do this.
  2. I put my all into everything that I do. I have nothing to worry about: As long as you know that your work ethic is 100%, trash the unnecessary worry. For example, when I would turn in finals for school, I would say to myself, “I did the best that I could. The work will show for itself,” and then hit submit. There is no point in worrying yourself to death.
  3. My work is enough for the right people: One big issue with imposter syndrome is the feeling that our work is not enough for others. Well, in case you need a friendly reminder, IT IS! Everyone will not like every single thing that you do, but you WILL receive support from those who genuinely care for you.
  4. I will continue to remain confident. The sky is the limit: Dream big! Do not let small insecurities stand in your way! Whatever you put your mind to, believe that it will happen. When we put more focus ON the work and not everything else surrounding it, it winds up being our best.

Of course, some things are always easier said than done (this blog post included), but at least TRY! Try to speak positivity over your life and your abilities. And, whenever self-doubt begins to creep in, say to yourself, “I know myself, I know my work, and I can do this!” Let me know how it works!


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