
My Faith is Everywhere

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Growing up, you quickly learn never to discuss money, politics, and religion, amongst others. Well, guess what? Religion is the topic of discussion today.

I believe in talking about the things that make us uncomfortable because if we never do, we are not leaving room for growth and connections with others. Everyone has different walks of faith, so, whoever you choose to believe in, incorporate them into this blog.

I consider myself to be a Christian, God is who I answer to, and without Him, I am nothing. There have been times when I did not know how to overcome certain obstacles, but every time, He brought me through them.

I cannot think of a time when He has not had my best interest at heart. Because of His love and grace, I am where I am today.

Now, with that said, I might begin to make some readers uneasy…

As a child, I was “forced” to go to church, yes, forced, because if it were up to me, I probably would not have gone. I am not sure how it is with other races, but going to church is a serious business in the Black community.

You have to dress up, get your hair combed, put on fancy shoes, be in church all day with little to eat, and you better not fall asleep. Lord forbid (no pun intended), that you do not pay attention or you get in trouble, just know, you will never hear the end of it.

And wait, I have to do this two to three times a week? Insert the heavy sigh here…

Often times in churches, those who call themselves “Christians” are judgy and spread a rumor like a wildfire. Even those who are in authority find themselves caught in scandals that you would not believe.

How can a newcomer feel welcomed under those circumstances? Of course, not all organizations are the same, but there are quite a few who could sweep around their doorstep before looking at someone else’s.

Being an adult who can make her own decisions, I have been in and out of church over the years. I will go consistently, and if I happen to miss one Sunday, I fall off track.

Sometimes my mom will even say “you are the Devil” when I make comments about her going to church 24/7. I roll my eyes, laugh, and say, “God knows my heart!”

I am a firm believer in that, too, whether I am in a physical church or home doing my worship. He knows my true feelings. A church building is simply that, just a building.

You can have worship at home, in a restaurant, on a train, or in a car. There are times that I feel more at peace and in a praiseful mood in the comfort of my own home than being in church.

Let no one make you feel guilty about doing what is best for you. As long as you have an established relationship with who you answer to, be confident in who you are and your faith. God is everywhere, and if you have him in your heart, that is all that matters.

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