
New year, Improved Me!

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As 2021 approaches, I have reflected a lot on what this year meant in my life. I learned so much and grew as a person. I can honestly say I am proud of myself! But, I have a few things I’m leaving behind and a few that I’m adding for improvements.

Letting Go

  • Anxiety- I tend to get anxious over the smallest things, and I am a natural-born worrier. I’m learning not to stress over what I cannot control.
  • Procrastination- I’ve struggled with being a procrastinator since the beginning of time. It’s time for that to end. I’ve realized that I’m only holding myself back because of this bad habit.
  • Feeling bad for putting myself first- I cannot stress enough how important it is to show up for yourself, and sometimes that requires you to put yourself first. It’s okay to say you need time for yourself or to create boundaries.
  • Self-doubt- When I look at my stage in life compared to others, doubt starts to creep in. Am I good enough? Am I making the right choices? How will people perceive me? Leave that behind! Follow your heart and DO IT!

And what I am picking up in 2021 is…

New habits

  • Self-love- Practicing loving yourself gives you more confidence and is overall better for your mental health. When you feel good, you ARE good!
  • Growing my relationship with God- I’m continuously looking for new ways to connect with God. My relationship with Him has come very far, but I want everything I do to represent Him.
  • Saying “no”- Being the person I am, I like to help everyone, even at the expense of my own happiness. No more of that!
  • Step outside my comfort zone- When we become complacent, we do not grow. Using the same routine and putting in the same effort will give you the same results each time. Imagine if you actually switched things up and got a different outcome.
  • Speaking manifestations over my life- Just like the saying goes, “fake it til you make it,” I will continue to talk about the things I want in my life and how I’m going to get them. What I want is already mine, I just haven’t received it yet!

I’m never one of those people who says, “New year, new me!” I like to say, “New year, improved me!” It’s okay to make changes, we all need to grow, but there is no need to be a NEW you. I pray that whoever reads this to have successes and an abundance of blessings over your life in 2021.

I hope you are preparing well for the new year!


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