
Texas Livin’

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I have been here in Dallas for a little over a year now, and let me just say it has been an exciting experience, to say the least. Being here has been the first time that I have lived in another state on my own, and as scared as I was, I am proud that I was able to take such a big leap.

So, let us jump right into what I have observed!

The insane traffic is a bit fascinating, how can so many cars accumulate in one area so quickly here. It seems like no matter what time or day of the week it is, there is always TRAFFIC.

Just where is everyone going? You really must have the patience to live here because there is no way that you will avoid sitting in traffic at some point.

Also, distance is a big issue as well. Here in this city, depending on where you are trying to go, you can easily travel 35 minutes to get to your destination. I am the kind of girl that likes to travel less than 15 minutes, so anything over that is a stretch!

There are so many beautiful places here to see. From going downtown, the creative artwork on buildings, the parks and gardens, there is endless exploring. I literally have so many pictures on my phone of random things that I see while out and about.

Even with me being here all of this time, I still have so much to discover.

Maybe it is because I am not a Texan but, I do not quite understand the fascination with the food chain, Whataburger. To say that you do not like Whataburger is like saying you hate your mother, you just do not say it. I have had it a few times and have only had one bad experience.

I typically get the number one with everything on it, and you HAVE to get the spicy ketchup, you will not regret it. If you are ever near a Whataburger, do not hesitate to try it.

Man, I did not expect the cost of living to be so expensive here. I mean, I get it, a big city, more attractions so of course living here will be a bit on the pricey side but it is definitely an eye-opener.

Coming from a small state, Arkansas, it was hard to wrap my head around the fact that people pay so much in rent (I may never own a house here). I am thankful that I have a job that pays pretty well, but Texas could still give a girl a break.

What I love most are the cultural differences.

You will build relationships with those from all walks of life; whether you are Asian, Hispanic, or African American, you will see it all. It is easy to understand why people come here; living in Texas can grant you so many opportunities to follow your dreams and chances to network.

Through its ups and downs, I truly am glad that I moved here. I cannot wait to see what all I accomplish along the way. If you are ever afraid to move to a big city, or afraid to make any change, know that you can do whatever you put your mind to!


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