
What I Have Learned My First Year As a Blogger

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As my one-year “blogiversary” approaches, I have spent some time reflecting over the past year. When I decided that blogging was something I truly wanted to do, I felt excited yet nervous. I didn’t know much, I had limited resources (an iPhone and crappy computer), and I was unsure of the future. Now, I am more confident, more experienced, and I’ve built some amazing relationships.

Here’s what I’ve learned along the way:

  • No amount of online research or tutorials will prepare you for the real thing: Yeah, I had to be said. When I first started blogging, I felt like I needed to take courses, watch a lot of Youtube videos, and search high and low online to have a “successful” blog. Well, I hate to break it to you; it takes experience. I’m not saying that the resources above are absolutely unhelpful (there are some great ones), but to really learn “what to do,” you need to get your feet wet. Find out what works for you, make mistakes, go through trial and error. It will make the journey worth it!
  • You do not have to have all of the resources right away: I struggled A LOT with this one. I had all of these expectations of everything I needed to start blogging. I wanted to have a nice camera, Macbook, a photographer, and several other things. Uhhh yeah, it didn’t happen that way. I had to accept that things take time. As a beginner, do not stress. There is nothing wrong with using the resources you currently have. As long as you are putting in the effort to create great content, you are fine!
  • Batch content: If you do not listen to anything else, listen to this tip. Batch your content! Do not, I repeat, do not create content on the fly if you do not have to. Not planning out your content will set you up for failure. Set out a day or two to write out blog posts, your catchy captions, and aesthetically pleasing pictures. Yes, it will be time-consuming, but you will have so much relief knowing that you have completed your work for the week or even the month!
  • Your content won’t be for everyone: If you ever notice how something you have posted isn’t getting as much support as you would like, either one or two things have happened. One, maybe your audience didn’t see it, or two, you may have ruffled some feathers. Sometimes people do not like to accept the truth when it is right in front of their faces, but that doesn’t mean you should stop being you. Keep being genuine, and you will continue to build the right community for you. There will still be those who will appreciate you for YOU.
  • Embrace the stage that you are in: Looking at the successes of others online can cause discouragement, I know because I’ve been there. You begin to feel like you aren’t doing enough. You don’t have enough followers, comments, like subscribers, or brand deals. Trust the stage that you are in; it’s needed. Whether you believe in God or a spiritual person, know that you are right where you need to be and things will fall into place. Everything takes time!

I love the journey that I am on. I prayed for times like this, and I am grateful for the opportunity to follow my dreams. One year has flew by so quickly, and I’ve enjoyed every minute of it. So, I encourage you to follow yours. Whatever they may be, follow them. We only get ONE life, and as we all know, time waits for no man, so you need to do it NOW. Find your passion, and live your life!

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